Articles categorized by topic
Search is useful. However, as I approach 200 articles of evergreen content, I find it hard to find my own articles I know I’ve written.
The most common question I’m emailed is, “Have you written about X?” And frequently, I have to spend time searching and browsing to find it. Until AI gets simple enough to answer that question, I’m categorizing my articles to help make finding or browsing them easier.
FYI - Most articles are a mixture of various categories. I just tagged them to the most relevant tags.
Interviewing / Getting a Job
Interviewing - Finding a job, choosing a position, and nailing the interview.
Careers over time
Early career articles - Topics particularly critical to know while starting your career.
Mid career articles - Mid-level positions, interested in continued success, and growth.
Working at companies
Career growth - Getting promotions and ratings.
Organizations - How organizations are built and operate.
People managers - Advice and guidance.
Managing Up - Interacting with your manager and other senior leaders.
Dave / Off-topic articles
Dave’s personal stories, anecdotes, and meta discussions regarding newsletters.